New set of workouts


I started a new set of workouts today, I must say; it was exciting to change it up and do new workouts than the ones I’d been doing for the last four weeks! I was covered in sweat, it felt amazing!


Sweat is your fat crying.


I added in some of my own ab workouts after I finished the workout. Side planks are some of my favorite core workouts! You can really feel the burn, and see the definition in your abs while doing them!

For side planks, ill hold the plank for 30 seconds, then do 20 dips, and then hold the side plank for another 30 seconds per side!

Week 5 progress


The photo on the left was 5 weeks ago, the photo on the right was today after four meals.

These last five weeks have taught me so much. I’ve been pushed to places mentally and physically I haven’t been before. I’ve had minor and major setbacks along the way. But I’m proud of how far I’ve come. I’m almost half way done with this program and I can’t wait to see what I’ll look like 7 weeks from now!


So I finally received my bikini body program from muffin topless! And I’m so excited! I started this morning and went grocery shopping for an hour and a half… Lets just say people gave me some weird looks. It’s not every day you see a 17 year old with a shopping cart.


It’s crazy how I use to think how healthy I was eating, and this is making me realize that I had a lot of cleaning up to do when it came to my meal plans. I highly suggest going and researching this program yourself if you new to working out and eating healthy! I’ve been doing this for a year now and I’m still learning so much every day. It’s all about educating yourself.

Anyways, I won’t be posting my daily workouts because ill be doing the workouts in the program, however; if I get a rest day and decide not to use it ill post my workout then. Also, ill be posting progress pictures every week for the next 12 weeks!

I haven’t done anything like this before and I know this is going to push me both mentally and physically, prayers would be much appreciated! I can’t wait to see the changes in my health and in my body, and to share my progress with y’all!